
Scoliosis is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal lateral (sideways) curvature of the spine. While a normal spine has natural curves from front to back, scoliosis involves a distortion that creates a "C" or "S" shaped curve when viewed from the back.

Scoliosis can occur at any age but is most commonly identified in adolescence. The cause of Scoliosis can be idiopathic (unknown), congenital (present at birth due to vertebral anomalies), or neuromuscular (associated with conditions like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy). The severity of the curve and the risk of progression vary widely among individuals.

Symptoms may include uneven shoulders or waist, one hip higher than the other, or a prominent ribcage on one side. Severe Scoliosis can lead to reduced range of motion, pain, and, in extreme cases, impact heart and lung function.

Treatment for Scoliosis depends on the severity of the curve, the cause, and the age of the patient, ranging from observation for mild cases to bracing or surgery for more severe or progressive curves. The goal of treatment is to prevent further curvature of the spine and manage any associated symptoms.

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